Sunday, July 12, 2009

True Love

I always spend some snuggle time with each of my kids at bedtime. Since I have FOUR, I have to psych myself up for it a lot of times. I get tired and cranky and just plain tempted to skip it. The thing that keeps me going is that it seems everyone is contemplative at the end of the day, and some of our best "talks" and questions come out then. Well last night, out of the blue, Jenna turns to me and says, "Mom... I'd rather die than you ever have to die."

Wow. She's six and I think she just tagged the meaning of True Love.


Lisa said...

You're such a good mom. I started "skipping" stuff years ago, and am now paying for it, in much guilt and lost moments. Remind me again that it's never too late!

Lisa said...

Haha...I came to see if there was a new post and all I could think of when I saw the title of this one was, "Wuv, twue wuv..."
LOl...the kids were watching the Princess Bride last night.