Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Still going, "hmmmmm."

" 'I've learned that any time my success depends on another person's response, I will manipulate them.' "

Authentic Relationships
W. Jacobsen

manipulate (v.): To influence people in a clever way so that they do what you want them to do.

Try replacing the word "success" in the above quote with anything that comes to mind... like: happiness, feeling of acceptance, status, fulfillment, etc. Sheds some light, eh?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

4th child syndrome

Seth: "They're destroying my life!"

Mom: "Who's destroying your life?"

Seth: "They are!" (as he points to his brothers and sister....with his middle finger no less)

Oh boy. This kid has a long road ahead of him :-)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

He planted as we planted

As I was planting some starter flower seeds inside with my kids today, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes in an "AHA!" kind of way. Those moments, no joke, are gold to me. The presence of God. His Voice. His Touch. His Wisdom. His involvement and Mercy in my life. These things are priceless. They are worth more than any tangible thing this world has to offer. I savor those moments. I cherish them. I don't want to EVER take them for granted.

So as I'm tediously helping the little ones plant seeds, my spiritual understanding was awakened to the physical analogy that I was staring at. God likened my children to seeds. They are packed with life in their current form. They are curious. They are industrious. They are eager... They want to touch. They want to see. They want to try. Life is present, but it can be snuffed out if the right conditions do not exist.

Seeds need warmth, moisture, and soil to begin the process of germination. Homeschooling is about providing the "right atmosphere" for learning to flourish and understanding to grow. I can shove a seed in dry soil in the scorching sunlight and demand it to grow if I want, but I'm not going to get the results I desire. God knows my children... He knows what conditions are best for them. I'm willing to lay down my agenda and start listening to His.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Hammer Speaks

If you're alive in the year 2009 and you homeschool, you'd have to live in a cave to not know how many curriculum choices are available. It's kind of how I feel at the grocery store sometimes, but worse I guess. Every single curriculum "brand" has its reasons for being the best and the answer to all of your homeschool "needs." I've been at this a while now and in my experience, there is usually a grain of truth in all of them.

So, What to do?? Well, I've often heard from wise homeschool veterans that a curriculum choice is only a "tool" and not your master. I've heard it many times over the last six years, in fact.. or so I thought. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I think I really heard it for the first time today.

I've been meditating on the written works of Maryln Howshall a lot lately in my search for truth. My conversations with God have been centered primarily on education... what it means, what it is, what it isn't. He's been speaking to me so sweetly and faithfully. Just when I think I'm a total washup, He'll show me how hope is not lost.

As I was going about my day, really not thinking about anything, the idea of a tool came to my mind... a hammer, specifically. In a split second it occurred to me how ridiculous it would be for a hammer to dictate to a carpenter what he should do next. I even pictured a sort of cartoon hammer talking, giving instructions. In that second I felt as if I "got it" on a deeper level. I, the mother, through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, am authorized by God to set goals for my children. Those long-term goals will help me decide which tools to pick up along the way, just as a design will dictate which supplies are purchased and which tools are needed to complete the job. You see the focus isn't the tools, but the LONG-TERM process of reaching God-ordained goals through growth of character, skills, understanding, and abilities. This simple realization brought such relief and freedom to my soul.

The society we live in brings with it so many distractions from what really matters... eternal things. The homeschool world brings its own set of distractions and entanglements. Freedom is what I long for and it hasn't seemed to come without a fight.