Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Digging deep

"We cannot do for others what hasn't already been done for us.
Remember, Jesus' words to his disciples were to love one another in the same
way he had loved them.
His words hold true for you and me
today. You cannot forgive others if you are not experiencing God's
forgiveness for you. You cannot serve others unless you know that God is
providing everything you need. You cannot live in kindness to others until
you see God's kindness toward you. In that sense the one anothering Scriptures are
less mandates to obey than they are descriptions of what love frees us to
do. ....That security in God's love is what will free you to live a
one anothering


I've been thinking a lot lately about the issue of control. Controlling seems to be the opposite of what Wayne would call, "one anothering." When I am attempting to control other people, my kids, reactions, or circumstances, I can see how that behavior is rooted in fear and is very self-centered. Fear, I suppose, that God isn't going to take care of me and isn't going to meet my needs...therefore I must take the bull by the horns and do it myself!!! Oh, how subtle this lack of trust can be. It is so easy to blame it on the ill-behavior or selfishness of other people. I think being free means not having to look out for myself anymore or fight for my own "rights." When I don't have to do that, I'm freed up to focus on other people instead of myself all the time. I think that right there might be worth anything I "think" I'm giving up by serving others.

"A self-centered life is its own punishment."

W. J.

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