Sunday, February 8, 2009


My second-born son is celebrating his birthday today w/ grandparents and aunts. One of his grandmas and two of his aunts went in together and bought him Guitar Hero World Tour. Seriously, I was fixing my hair listening to them singing "Eye of the Tiger" and "Livin on a Prayer." I thought I was going to crack up... SO STINKIN FUNNY!


Anonymous said...

Those are two of my boys favorites! It IS so funny to see your kids sing those songs!

Lisa said...

It is funny! My girls spent a whole day singing "Eye of the Tiger" (only they learned it from Mercy Me.) Drove me nuts after about the 800th time.

Lisa said...

I tagged you for an award on my blog. You can play along or not. Your choice :)
It might be nice to hear some scraps about our little group.