Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No strings. Really?

Motives. Such tricky, sneaky, and deceptive buggers they are!! I've been thinking about motives over the past few days. What I mean is, I've been asking myself, "Self... why do you do the things you do for your (fill in the blank) husband, kids, family, friends, neighbors, etc.?" You see, I've noticed that it is really easy to assume that I'm doing something out of a pure heart. BUT..just when I don't get the response, recognition, or appreciation I think I should get from my lofty kindness and generosity, I think the TRUE story unfolds and it becomes obvious who (or what) I'm really serving. For example, say I generously donate many of my possessions to a family member in need. Two weeks later this person calls to see if I want to meet up for a cup of coffee. I say, "Great!" assuming all the while that they want to take me out to thank me for my goodness towards them. Well... what if they never say even a word of thanks?? What if they don't even offer to pay for my $1.88 cup of coffee?? Will I be hurt? Will I feel slighted??

I think when I truly give with no strings attached, then I am free to do it happily NO MATTER WHAT THE RESPONSE. What was that? Oh yeah, NO MATTER WHAT THE RESPONSE.

Now, the above scenario has never exactly happened, but versions of it definitely have. I hate that. It's stinky, filthy, and full of impurity. I don't want to give to get. I don't want to give to influence. I don't want to give to manipulate. I want to follow Jesus and let Him sort out the rest. I just don't want to fool myself anymore.


Anonymous said...

Doing things just to get recognized or praised is, of course, not the way we are to operate. But I think we can genuinely do something with the motives of helping/loving someone else and still desire the appreciation of the recipient. Even God wants us to praise him for His creation, goodness, mercy, ect. It feels good to know that what we did mattered to someone else. Wanting to be noticed or appreciated is HARDLY a "string" unless you are going to stop doing for someone because they don't respond how we'd like. I guess I think it's what we do with the disappointment when we aren't appreciated is the real heart matter.

Lisa said...

Ouch. I had to deal with this just today. It was more in a relational way. Just because someone didn't spend their "normal" time with me and spent time with someone else, I felt slighted. How very middle-schoolish of me! Anyway, I battled with those stinky feelings all day. Thanks for this reminder! It's not like I'm going to stop being friends with this person. I need to acknowledge it for what it is that I'm grasping in the wrong place for my worth.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your insights, you two.
Sometimes I'm amazed at how "personal" God is...how He can be applying His principles to our lives in just the way we need or the way we'll "get" it. I for one am thankful for His grace and patience on my behalf!!
Love you guys :-)

Miss Janet said...

Just poppin in to say hi!

Have a great day in the Lord!